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John og Cynthia hjemme i hagen i Weybridge. Foto: Robert Whitaker. |
I brevet sier John blant annet at forholdet til Cynthia var over før Yoko Ono kom inn i bildet, ja til og med før første gang de tok LSD. Han adresserer også Cynthias beskrivelse av denne første LSD-trippen og lurer på om hun helt har glemt de neste opplevelsene med hallusinogenet. Videre avkrefter han å ha leid privatdetektiver til å følge etter Cynthia til Italia, og sier at det var "Magic" Alex Mardas som oppsøkte Cynthia i Italia da hun hadde sagt at hun var for syk til å komme hjem. Brevet fra Lennon ble skrevet etter at han hadde gjenforent seg med Yoko Ono etter halvannet års separasjon. Han minner Cynthia på at hun og sønnen Julian kom på besøk til John i Los Angeles i 1974, der hun skal ha bedt om at de gjenopptok forholdet, eller i det minste ga henne et barn til "for Julians skyld". Auksjonen avholdes 9. august, og det er forventet at brevet vil kunne innbringe $25,000+ Les hele brevteksten:
“As you and I well know, our marriage was over long before the advent of L.S.D. or Yoko Ono…and that’s reality! Your memory is impaired to say the least. Your version of our first L.S.D. trip is rather vague, and you seem to have forgotten subsequent trips altogether! You also seem to have forgotten that only two years ago, while I was separated from Yoko, you suddenly brought Julian to see me in Los Angeles after three years of silence. During this visit, you hardly allowed me to be alone with him for one moment. You even asked me to remarry you and/or give you another child, ‘for Julian’s sake’! I politely told you no, and that, anyway, I was still in love with Yoko, (which I thought was very ‘down to earth’). There were no detectives sent to Italy. Our mutual friend Alex Mardas went to Bassanini’s Hotel to see how you were, as you said you were too ill to come home…Finally, I don’t blame you for wanting to get away from your ‘Beatle’ past. But if you are serious about it, you should try to avoid talking to and posing for magazines and newspapers! We did have some good years, so dwell on them for a change, and, as Dylan says, it was ‘A Simple Twist of Fate’! love & good luck to the three of you, from the three of us.” The second, an ALS signed “John Lennon, 76,” with added sketch, directed to the publishers of a weekly magazine, in full: “I would appreciate this letter being printed in your magazine without any edits. I think it only fair to me and your readers to present my side of the story. Thank you.”
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